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Renting vs Buying Scuba Diving Gear

As with any other hobby or recreation event, you need certain tools in order to do it. With scuba diving, not only do you need tools, but you need classes on how to scuba dive properly. If you don’t have instruction on the tools, you might not be allowed in the water. Or if you do go in the water with the gear and without proper instruction, you could be taking your life in to your own hands. What classes and what tools do you need before you get in to the water? There are lots of options for tools, depending on where you are going scuba diving. And then you have the option to buy them yourself or rent from a company who is taking you out scuba diving.

Buying Tools

Buying the tools you need for scuba diving is very expensive. From the wet suits to the watches and dials to the oxygen tanks and regulators, you could spend thousands of dollars. And that doesn’t include getting to your destination to scuba dive. When you live near the water and plan to do it often, then the expense is more justified than for someone who lives in Iowa and will only be traveling to the ocean once or twice every few years.

You can buy the tools new or you can look for used tools. You are still buying them instead of renting, but the cost will be much lower for previously used items. The items you should look for brand new are wetsuits, so you can make sure you get the correct size and pieces that go in to your mouth. The wetsuits that are new won’t have any hidden rips or tears in them where water could leak in if you aren’t looking. When you buy brand new, you don’t have to worry about germs and can take care of sterilization yourself after each use, to ensure it stays clean.

Renting Tools

Renting the tools is a much more affordable option, especially if you aren’t sure if you are going to like the activity. And it doesn’t make sense to invest thousands of dollars in to something if you don’t know if you will continue to do it in the future. Renting equipment to scuba dive might make a lot more sense, especially if you are going to do it on a vacation or as a once in a lifetime event to cross off your bucket list..

The only downside is to renting equipment is that it isn’t yours and someone else has used it before you. The equipment has to be cleaned, but some people will still worry about germs since it has been used before. And if you didn’t buy it, you can’t guarantee that it is in perfect working order. Since the company renting it to you is liable, chances are they have checked it and it is just fine, so there isn’t much need to worry.

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