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Top Scuba Diving Hot Spots

Once you consider learning how to scuba dive, you will probably want to schedule a trip where you can actually go and use your skills. Or maybe it is the other way around – you know where and when you are going on vacation, so you are working on your scuba diving skills in order to get certified to take several scuba adventures in while you are gone. No matter which option sounds more like you, you will want to know where a few hot spots are for scuba divers so that if you really like the activity, you can plan even more vacations centered around where the diving is hot!

One of the hottest places to go and plan a dive is the coast of Australia where you can get closer to the coral reef. Since the reef has been damaged over time, there are now rules where you are supposed to touch it or get within so many feet of it. However, you can still dive close to it and see it for yourself. And since you are in Australia, there will be tons of fish species and underwater life that you might not have ever seen before.

Another great spot to plan a scuba diving vacation is in the South Pacific. Whether you want to stay in the states and go to Hawaii or you want to use your passport and got to another island, there are ample scuba diving hotspots in the ocean. The islands are all surrounded by clear blue water and have a variety of salt water fish you can study. Depending on where you go, you may also be able to see shipwreck or two on your adventure. Ask a local or do some research online to see what is available in the area where you are traveling to.

The Gulf of Mexico also provides for a warm area to rest and scuba dive. There are lots of diving excursions offered by resorts and tour companies who operate along the coast. Simply find one that is going out to see something you want to explore and sign up. As long as you are already certified, then you don’t need to worry about the depth where you are diving. (With moderation, of course!) Find a lost military ship or see if there are sharks you can get close to as you explore the water.

Planning Your Dives

No matter where you go for your dives, you need to plan accordingly. When you are renting equipment, check it over thoroughly and make sure it is all in perfect working order. When you are taking your own, make sure you have everything needed for a successful dive. You should also plan where you will be diving, to what depth approximately, how long it will take and who will be with you. You always need to have a plan and stick to it for safety reasons. Never dive alone and give a copy of your plan to someone else who will be staying onshore.

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