Featured Companies
Openwater Habitat Marine Scuba in Riverside, CA |
Diving Locker in San Diego, CA |
Capital Divers in Olympia, WA |
Delaware Dive Center in Milford, DE |
Tilden's Scuba Centers in Marathon, FL |
Wazee Sports Center LLC in Black River Falls, WI |
Adventure Dive Center in Albany, GA |
Dive Locker of PC Beach in Panama City, FL |
Dive & Sport in Ventura, CA |
Water Etc in Athens, TX |
Scuba Center of Spokane in Spokane, WA |
Ocean Reef in San Marcos, CA |
Newport Dviing Center in Newport, RI |
Learn to Scuba Dive Today in Miami, FL |
Splash Dive CO in Venice, CA |
From Our Blog:
Jobs That Use Scuba Diving The first thing you think of when you think if a scuba diver is someone who is on vacation, in a warm, sunny location and looking at fish. While this is probably true for a lot of people, there is much more to scuba diving. There are many occupations that require scuba divers and people who have... Continue Reading |
Island Fever Diving & Advntrs
805 Halibut Point Road # 5
Sitka, AK

(907) 747-7871
(907) 738-7475
(907) 747-2845
Our products and services include beaches & island exploration, biking, charters, gear rental sales & service, hiking, remote trails, sightseeing tours, snorkeling, diving and biking & hiking.One stop adventure company, padi dive center quality instruction, immerse yourself in alaska's pristine environment.
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