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Common Places To Go Scuba Diving
Scuba Diving Locations When the word scuba diving is mentioned, do you think of women in bikinis in tropical regions? Or do you think of an action scene in a movie where the star knows how to scuba dive, fight off a bad guy while injured and still save the day? Both scenarios are associated with... Continue Reading

Blue Meridian Dive Center Inc

6000 Highway 81
Owensboro, KY
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(270) 685-3198
Our products and services include air, air fills, instruction, rental, sales, scuba professionals with 57 yrs. exp, service and travel.We are open 7 Days A Week Daily Everyday.Sales, service.Certifications/affiliations: air and tri- states only p.a.d.i. dive center.Brands: cressi, genesis, henderson and sherwood.In business since 1958.


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