Featured Companies
Dive & Rescue Educators Inc in Terrytown, LA |
Guthrie Diving CO in Annapolis, MD |
Scubas World in Hialeah, FL |
Ashland Distribution in Milwaukee, WI |
Scuba Works Inc in Jupiter, FL |
Aqua Air Industries Inc in Harvey, LA |
Divers at Sea in Atlanta, GA |
Giant Stride Scuba Inc in Rome, GA |
Blue Horizons Dive Center in Philadelphia, PA |
Lone Star Diving in Texas City, TX |
Snuba International in Shingle Springs, CA |
Black Canyon Divers in Montrose, CO |
Washington Divers in Bellingham, WA |
Discover Diving in Atkinson, NH |
Underwater Antics in Midland, Mi |
From Our Blog:
Scuba Diving Hot Spots Once you consider learning how to scuba dive, you will probably want to schedule a trip where you can actually go and use your skills. Or maybe it is the other way around – you know where and when you are going on vacation, so you are working on your scuba diving skills in order to get certified to... Continue Reading |
Scuba North Inc
13380 S West Bay Shore Drive
Traverse City, MI

(231) 947-2520
(231) 947-2899
Our products and services include charters, group outings, huge selection - great prices, instruction, local dive information, rentals, repairs, shipwreck dive charters, special events, top brands and travel service.Specializing in world wide & local diving, snorkeling & adventure travel consulting, rentals, repairs and travel service.Our area's full service dive center for over 30 years.Brands: naui.In business since 1975.
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