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From Our Blog:
Scuba Diving Basics
Have you seen all of those nature shows on TV, where the people don a wetsuit, roll over the side of the boat and make look swimming with that gear effortless as they hold a camera? Sure, you’d like to do that, but it takes a lot more work in the beginning in order to make it look that easy. There... Continue Reading

Underwater World Inc

495 Easton Road
Horsham, PA
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(215) 672-4180
(800) 878-4180
Our products and services include all levels of scuba instruction, archery equipment & supplies, certified equipment service center, diving equipment, equipment sales, equipment sales & service - low rental rates - scuba camp - trips for divers & non- divers, equipment sales & service - low rental rates- scuba camp - trips for divers & non- divers, equipment sales - low rental rates, equipment sales, services & rental, equipment, sales, service & rentals, exotic travel - summer scuba camps, naui padi ymca scuba instruction, naui, padi & ymca scuba instruction, scuba camp - trips for divers & non - divers, spearfishing shafts & supplies, supplies & tours, trips for divers & non-divers and trips for divers & non- divers - scuba camp.We are open Mon-Sat: 11:00am-07:00pm.Scuba camp.In business since 1973.Serving residential customers.Brands: easton.We accept personal checks for payment.Certifications/affiliations: over 12 and000 divers certified.Areas served: baltimore.


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