Featured Companies
Steamboat Game & Fish in Pierre, SD |
Aquatic Dive Shop in Americus, GA |
CDMS in Smiths Creek, MI |
Project Deep Inc in Gloucester, MA |
Aloha Dive in Northridge, CA |
Manta Divers in Kenosha, WI |
Scuba Rave in Clarksville, TN |
Divers Direct in Palm Beach Gardens, FL |
South Beach Divers in Miami Beach, FL |
Aquatic Adventures Scuba Academy in Alexandria, VA |
Dive Shack in El Cajon, CA |
Fathoms Divers NH in Gilford, NH |
Washington Scuba Center in Washington, PA |
Scuba Sciences Inc in Phoenix, AZ |
Xplore Scuba in Fort Mill, SC |
From Our Blog:
Scuba Diving As Exercise After you learned how to use all of the scuba diving equipment in class and got certified, you probably wanted to get planning your first real trip to see what you could see underwater. But did you know there are also a few other benefits from scuba diving besides just looking at things underwater?... Continue Reading |
Cruises Plus
800 P Street # 202
Lincoln, NE
(402) 475-7447
(800) 621-6699
Our products and services include a cruise planners american express affiliate, cruises, cruises - tours - scuba and our business is your pleasure.Barbara arendt, acc, padi.
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