Featured Companies
Discovery Divers in Thompsonville, IL |
Lake Superior Divers Supply in Duluth, MN |
Triad Divers Supply in High Point, NC |
Dive Utah - Also in SLC in Salt Lake City, UT |
Dive Clearwater's Charter Boat Plunger in Clearwater Beach, FL |
Sea Landing in Santa Barbara, CA |
Dacotah Divers & Snorkel Center in Bismarck, ND |
Santi USA Inc in Pinellas Park, FL |
Scuba in El Sobrante, CA |
Beach Cities Scuba in Newport Beach, CA |
Get Wet Scuba in Palm Springs, CA |
Kosmic Divers in Waunakee, WI |
B Berry Scuba in Scottsdale, AZ |
Harry Truitt's Lighthouse Diving Center Inc. in Tacoma, WA |
International Divers Inc in Orlando, FL |
From Our Blog:
Scuba Diving Safety Tips Scuba diving is a hobby enjoyed by tens of thousands of people each year without incident. However, to prevent incident, these people have had hours of training and instruction on how to do it the right way and how to use the instruments needed to dive. If you have never been on a dive before,... Continue Reading |
O'Donnel Diving
3036 W Germantown Pike
Norristown, PA
(610) 635-0200
Our products and services include all instruction, flexible scheduling and local & caribbean diving.All the time, wm. david o'donnel, owner operator, perpetual scheduling, performance based, not time based.
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