Featured Companies
Discount Divers B & B in Marathon, FL |
Dive Shop in Rome, GA |
Adventure Scuba in Titusville, FL |
Get Wet Scuba in Palm Springs, CA |
Amarillo Scuba Center in Amarillo, TX |
Dean's Dive Center Inc in Fort Myers, FL |
Dive Educators USA in Marietta, GA |
Sea Dogs Dive Center in New Smyrna Beach, FL |
5-Star Divers in El Paso, TX |
All About Diving in Cumming, GA |
Florida Keys Dive Center in Tavernier, FL |
Dixie Divers in Panama City, FL |
Gadsden Scuba Center in Gadsden, AL |
Aqua Dream Scuba Instruction in Cedar Lake, IN |
Family Scuba Center in Bradenton, FL |
From Our Blog:
Taking Scuba Diving Classes Before you can go out in the water, with your scuba diving gear on, you will need to take a class. The classes for people who are learning how to do it are very important, so they are only taught by certified instructors. If the instruction was wrong on how to use the equipment, then it could harm... Continue Reading |
Manta Divers
3401 Roosevelt Road
Kenosha, WI

(262) 654-3483
Our products and services include dive trips, equipment, equipment rentals & air fills, padi scuba & snorkeling lessons and sales & service.Certifications/affiliations: padi scuba & snorkeling lessons.
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