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Scubaventures Dive Center in Cross Junction, VA
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Wiley's Scuba Locker in Riverside, CA
A Divers World in Lakeville, MN
International Divers Inc in Orlando, FL
Visionary in Aurora, CO
Aquatech Scuba Center in Evansville, IN
Desert Scuba in Orem, UT
University Dive Center in Howardsville, VA
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Pacific Scuba Divers Inc in Sunnyvale, CA
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Jobs That Use Scuba Diving
The first thing you think of when you think if a scuba diver is someone who is on vacation, in a warm, sunny location and looking at fish. While this is probably true for a lot of people, there is much more to scuba diving. There are many occupations that require scuba divers and people who have... Continue Reading

Stardust Sportfishing at Sea Landing

301 West Cabrillo Boulevard
Santa Barbara, CA
Get Directions

(805) 963-3564
Our products and services include advanced classes, basic & open water diving, bay cruises, brunch cruises, canoe trips, cave diving, certification classes, co-ed classes, corporate charters, corporate events, day classes, day cruises, day trips, dinner cruises, educational tours, evening classes, evening cruises, excursions, food & dining, group discounts, group outings, guide services, half day trips, handicapped accessibility, harbor tours, historical tours, hourly tours, licenses & permits, lunch cruises, memberships, narrated tours, nature cruises, overnight trips, paddle boats, private boat charters, private instruction:red cross certification classes, reservations, senior discounts, sightseeing tours, spearfishing shafts & supplies, special needs programs, sunset cruises, technical diving, weddings, whale watching and wilderness trips.Specializing in 1/2 & 3/4 day trips, all day & twilight fishing, boat rental, fishing expeditions, kayaking, scuba dive, snorkeling and stardust sport fishing.1 2, 3 4.


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