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Common Places To Go Scuba Diving
Scuba Diving Locations When the word scuba diving is mentioned, do you think of women in bikinis in tropical regions? Or do you think of an action scene in a movie where the star knows how to scuba dive, fight off a bad guy while injured and still save the day? Both scenarios are associated with... Continue Reading

Neptune Divers

More Than Just A Dive Shop 2445 S 900 East
Salt Lake City, UT

(801) 466-9630
(801) 467-5816
Our products and services include adventure, and scuba gear & rental, before you buy any scuba gear, check with neptune, dive travel, equipment, equipment, sales & rentals, equipment, sales, & rentals, friendly staff and instruction, in-store pool, instruction thru instructor level, lessons, local & exotic diving trips, local & exotic trips, sales instruction, scuba & snorkeling, scuba & snorkeling equipment, scuba classes, scuba diving, scuba diving equipment, scuba equipement repair, scuba equipment sales & service, scuba schools international, scuba snorkeling, service & repair, service & repairs, snorkeling & diving, snorkeling & scuba, swimming gear, swimming pool, warm in -store pool, warm in store pool, warm in-store pool, warm swimming pool, warm and indoor pool.We are open 7 Days A Week Daily Everyday.Warn in-store pool, service.In business since 1979.Brands: aqualung, henderson, nitrox, seaquest and sherwood.We accept american express, mastercard, money orders, personal checks, travelers checks and visa for payment.Certifications/affiliations: open water certification thru instruction level.


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