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Scuba Connections in Keller, TX |
Blue Lobster Dive Shop in New Lebanon, NY |
Blue Water Divers in Escanaba, MI |
Adventure Scuba Divers in Brandon, MS |
Stough THOS in Kokomo, IN |
Divers Scuba of FT Worth in Fort Worth, TX |
Fantasia Scuba in Savannah, GA |
Scuba Steve's in Big Sandy, TX |
Dive Master in Ithaca, NY |
Pedaler & the Packer in Athens, OH |
Amoxtec Inc in Huntington Beach, CA |
Dive Addicts in Draper, UT |
Dive World in Austin, TX |
Divers Supply in Charlotte, NC |
Southern Ocean Sports in Valdosta, GA |
From Our Blog:
Scuba Diving Safety Tips Scuba diving is a hobby enjoyed by tens of thousands of people each year without incident. However, to prevent incident, these people have had hours of training and instruction on how to do it the right way and how to use the instruments needed to dive. If you have never been on a dive before,... Continue Reading |
Lode Key Reef Resort & Dive
Mm 27.5
Summerland Key, FL
(305) 872-2215
Our products and services include 3 location dive & snorkel trip daily, all canal front rooms, bar, daily dive & snorkel trips to the reef & local wrecks, dive & snorkel trips daily, gold palm 5 star padi facility, heated swimming pool, looe key and open air tiki bar & restaurant.Reef resort & dive center, gold palm 5 star padi dive center, closest facility to looe key nat'l, marine sanctuary & adolphus busch wreck.
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