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From Our Blog:
Renting vs Buying Scuba Diving Gear
As with any other hobby or recreation event, you need certain tools in order to do it. With scuba diving, not only do you need tools, but you need classes on how to scuba dive properly. If you don’t have instruction on the tools, you might not be allowed in the water. Or if you do go in the water... Continue Reading

Parker Diving Service Inc

69 Berths
San Pedro, CA

(310) 514-8380
We are open 24 Hour Service.Serving the west coast since 1945, la & lb harbors, fully insured and equipped for underwater inspection and construction - ship inspection maintenance and repairs salvage surveys engineering consulting, photo/video/ndt/hull cleaning/prop polishing/hot work, engineering contractor no 469009.In business since 1945.


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